
In celebration of its 2013 theme, “A Sporting Life”, Hermes presents a new book showcasing the work of photographer Jacques Henri Lartigue.
Renowned for his work within the fashion industry, and in France at large, Jacques Henri Lartigue was also a keen sportsman who captured the world of sport over several decades. Celebrating Hermes’s chosen theme for 2013, “A Sporting Life” documents the French photographer’s work, from life in the great outdoors to training, sport and family life, and the advent of large public sporting events.
With commentary from historian Thierry Terret and novelist Anne-Marie Garat, the coffee-table tome reflects more than just a history of sport. In fact, it is as much a celebration of some of France’s illustrious names, and represents the cultural and historical ties that Hermes has forged with the arts over the years.
The book will be published in April 2013 in collaboration with Actes Sud. It will be presented at the “Saut Hermes” at the Grand Palais in Paris (April 12–14) alongside an exhibition of a selection of photographs from the collection featured in the book.

これはphotographer Jacques Henri Lartigueの世界というより